Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Tiziano | Weapons Room

Titian “Portrait of a Gentleman” Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan in Italy

Titian (1488 — 25 August 1576) « Portrait of a Gentleman »

Painting - Oil on Canvas (94.2 x 61 cm) 1510-1520

Titian, Portrait of a Gentleman, Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan in Italy
Portrait of a Gentleman
This portrait of a gentleman was attributed to Giorgione for a long time until it was restored in 2010.

This restoration has brought back the effects of chiaroscuro applied to restore facial skin texture.

It also highlighted the painter's chromatic choices for shades of brown colours, choices in total compliance with Titian's pictorial technique.

Now, experts believe that this portrait was painted by Titian at the beginning of his career and not by Giorgione.

Concerning the portrait itself, the remarkable presence of the model indicates that a great painter made it.

This gentleman, dressed in black and sure of himself, emerges from the darkness by turning his head towards us with the scrutinizing look of a judge.

The position of his hands, his head, and the perfectly controlled chiaroscuro of this superb portrait undoubtedly make it a masterpiece.

Titian, Portrait of a Gentleman, Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan in Italy
Portrait of a Gentleman

Artists Bellini | Botticelli | Canaletto | Carriera | Cranach | Daddi | Francesca | Giordano | Guardi | Lippi F. | Lotto | Luini | Mantegna | Montagna | Memling | Palma | Pinturicchio | Pollaiolo | Raphael | Tiepolo | Tiziano | Weapons Room
Poldi Pezzoli Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli

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