Martino Piazza “Adoration of Child Jesus” at the Ambrosiana Gallery Pinacoteca in Milan Italy

Martino Piazza, Adoration of Child Jesus, at the Ambrosiana Gallery Pinacoteca in Milan Italy
Adoration of Child Jesus

Martino Piazza (1475-1480 — March 1, 1523) “Adoration of Child Jesus”

Painting - Tempera and Oil on Wood (83 cm x 60 cm) 1515-1525

This Nativity painting by Martino Piazza has numerous successive shots.

In the foreground, the Infant Jesus is surrounded by three angels, with Saint Joseph and the Madonna on the left and two shepherds.

Our Lady is pensive and praying with the angels who are in adoration before her son.

One of the shepherds is looking at the Child over a low wall, while the other has knelt in adoration with his arms crossed over his chest.

On the left, a ruined building houses the ox and the donkey.

Behind the wall on which the shepherd is leaning is a rural and wooded landscape with other shepherds leading their herds; one sits and raises one arm while the other looks up to the sky to see the announcing angel.

Martino Piazza, Adoration of Child Jesus, at the Ambrosiana Gallery Pinacoteca in Milan Italy
Adoration of Child Jesus
Along the way, a group of horsemen heads up to the Newborn Child, following the gold-painted star just above the city of Bethlehem.

The path leads to this town surrounded by ramparts, where the bell tower of a church dominates all the houses.

In the background, there is another city, then very high mountains with colours similar to the sky and clouds where angels dominate the scene.

It should be noted that this is a small painting (83 cm x 60 cm), which makes the delicate rendering of the minor details and figures painted by Martino Piazza even more remarkable.

The colours are exceptionally bright and contribute to the overall beauty of the picture.

Martino Piazza, Adoration of Child Jesus, at the Ambrosiana Gallery Pinacoteca in Milan Italy
Adoration of Child Jesus

Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli
Ambrosiana Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Leonardo da Vinci | Botticelli | Raphael | Caravaggio | Titian | Luini | Bassano | Bramantino | Lucretia Borgia | Piazza | Pinturicchio | Tiepolo | Veronese B. | Vivarini

Martino Piazza “Adoration of the Child” at Ambrosiana Gallery Pinacoteca in Milan Italy

Artists Leonardo da Vinci | Botticelli | Raphael | Caravaggio | Titian | Luini | Bassano | Bramantino | Lucretia Borgia | Piazza | Pinturicchio | Tiepolo | Veronese B. | Vivarini
Ambrosiana Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Museums Ambrosiana | Castello Sforzesco | Poldi Pezzoli

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